What do I do before I bug bomb my home?

We all have come across that one time or another where we come home and find some sort of bug family may have moved in. From ant's, roaches, ear wigs, and much more bug's are not something you want to have to deal with. Often we run to Walmart and grab raid or bug bombs'. I personally am a huge fan of Raid products. Where I live every summer we get ant's and ear wig's bad so I definatly suggest their products.When bug boming a home there are some nessary precautions to take. Follow the instructions below and you should be just fine!

1. ) Remove all adults, children, and pets from your home.

(Bug bombs can be deadly the poison inside is meant to kill and is not healthy for you or your pet's.)

2. ) Place all food in a cabnite or you refridgerator.

(The bug bombs can contaminate your food supply and this is not a good thing.)

3.) Turn off all piolet's in your home.

(Leaving on any piolet can cause a fire  and no one wants to loose their home.)

4. ) Cover all furnature and Wood flooring.

( Leaving thing uncovered can cause residue to stay on your belongings causing skin irritation, sickness, and much more.

5.) Read the box.

( Each box has a diffrent description and has a limit you must stay out of the home. Bbe sure to follow the instructions)

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